Craigslist Cool
Recover these in some fabulous rich fabric, the shape and tufting is gorgeous, not to mention they are built ultra sturdy so they will be a good investment!
A perfect desk chair or makeup chair, leave it as is or give it a coat of bright paint!
Fantastic texture and natural color! A great addition to any room that needs something to talk about!
I love the simple lines of this set, a classic and transitional table set that will match most decor! Wanna get fancy, recover the seats and paint the chairs a bold color!
A lovely and girlie bed that any teen would kill for in her bedroom! Perfect as is!
These are fabulous, I love brass and gold, need I say more.. and a steal at $10!
I am in love with these chairs!!! I would buy the set just for them, a new seat fabric and some steel wool on the metal legs, lovely.
A vintage 1950's modern desk, its small and chic perfect for a small house or apartment. Id give it a high gloss pop of color and clean up the original hardware. Now add your laptop and your set!