Style | the floppy fur vest
The floppy fur vest, or just a fur vest of any variety can be the fun thing you love but never gets to get out of the closet because of lack of confidence or not knowing what in the heck to wear it with!
Here is what I found in my closet that rocks with a fur vest-
A striped picco style top (flowy long sleeve stretchy goodness) paired with dark denim, throw on the vest, some heeled booties and ta da! You can exchange the striped top with any pattern top, you just need some movement.
A gray long sleeve T, some slouchy bib overalls and the vest. A casual comfy outfit with a bit of flare! Make it a bit dressier by adding some heels, or keep it casual with some tennies.
Something a little dressy, a faux leather dress with camo jacket and the fur vest over top. Mixing pattern and texture again like in the first outfit. If you don't have camo jacket, swop it for a denim jacket or even a fun heavy knit. Add some opaque tights, heels and jewelry. You are going to look and feel tres' chic!