Penland School Of Craft | part one
A week ago my studio mates and I set out on an adventure to the Penland School of Craft in the mountains of North Carolina. We left sunny Wisconsin in the Saab and headed towards the mountains. We drove until we couldn't, made it better then half way on Friday. A lot of podcasts, mix tapes and roadside yoga later we made it to Ashville on Saturday. We had to check out the local music scene, saw a great live show & had equally yummy dinner.
Sunday morning we headed up the mountains to Penland. We took the scenic route which was the most beautiful, the colors, the sky, the fresh air... the smoky Mountains, it was breath taking.
Mid Sunday we arrived at Penland with enough time to walk through the welcome center + gallery then take our time walking around the campus before orientation. That's Erin on the left, Missy on the right, and my crazy excited ass in the middle!
The sun was setting as we made our way to orientation, got our dorm numbers and started class that evening at 8pm sharp. Above- our dorms, below the view from my work bench... amazing right?!
I have so many photos of this adventure that I have to break them up into parts or you would be scrolling forever. Above are photos of the incredible metals studio we got to play in for the week. We were allowed full access to the studios and all the equipment as long as we had a buddy. We all worked until at least midnight, one or two AM everyday!